Ultra Coaching

Individually tailored service

Ultra / Endurance Coaching provided by Russell Maylin. Specialising in ultra marathons, desert running and endurance races. Providing an individually tailored coaching service to each client. 


Ultra / Endurance Coaching

Want to run a marathon or improve your Ironman? Maybe complete a first ultra or race to a best ever 100 mile run? Action Potential works with small numbers, with periodisation and detailed training regimes to get your body prepared to execute well. Maximise your performance in your chosen event.

Good Coaches in the Ultra / Endurance area should have a deep empathy with the athlete. We should have trained and ideally still be training to ensure learning continues but most of all so we know that feeling for the early session when tired or how sore that last 6 hrs on the hills made us feel. We need to understand the drive whilst fitting in the 'normal' life. It's a combination of skills, experience and inspiration that should benefit the athlete. It is a journey for both parties and a special relationship resulting in great strides for athlete performance.

Our philosophy includes a detailed race preparation i.e. careful build-up race selection, attention to detail i.e. terrain, temperature and altitude etc. Solid conditioning and periodisation with heart rate detail go towards gradual and injury free improvement. Goals should be realistic, Action Potential will not drive clients to breakdown as they do a 100 mile run on 3 days a week. We believe in periods of tough training mixed with recovery, sustained work building to peak whilst recognising that most of us try to have a healthy life balance where we wish to enjoy sport for many years ahead.

Challenges Coached

Marathon, Ironman, Marathon des Sables, Coast to Coast, US 100 milers, Heaphy 50 mile, The Goat, North Face 100, Tarawera Ultra, Kepler Challenge, Military selection. New challenges welcome!

In 7 months Russell has turned me from a ‘Round the Bays’ runner to an ‘Ultra Marathon’ runner. If you are looking for a guy that tells you “Wow, you are doing fantastic” then he is not for you, but if you are looking for a top professional trainer that will get you across the finish line with a serious attitude to proper training and nutrition then I highly recommend Russell Maylin.
— Robert Jackson-Mee